HAITI: NOTES ON BOOKS ![](../../images/flag.gif)
- Antoine, Jacques
Jean Price-Mars
and Haiti
Bentivegna, Joseph
The Neglected and the Abused
- Bona, Dominique
Le Manuscrit de
- Cartland, Barbara
Drums of Love
Cooper, Julia
The Perspective of a
Black American on Slavery and the French Revolution
- Courlander, Harold
Notes on Harold Courlander's Work taken by
Bob Corbett
- Craige, John Houston
Cannibal Cousins
Davis, Wade
- DeLeeuw, Hendrik
Crossroads of the
Caribbean Sea
Dupuy, Alex
Haiti in the World
Economy: Class, Race and Underdevelopment Since 1700
Fass, Simon
The Political
Economy in Haiti
- Ferguson, James
Papa Doc, Baby Doc
- Healy, David
Gunboat Diplomacy in the
Wilson Era: The U.S. Navy in Haiti, 1915-1916
- Henty, G.A.
A Roving Commission (or)
Through the Black Insurrection in Haiti
Holly, James Theadore
Harris, J. Dennis
Black Separatism and the Caribbean
- Loederer, Richard A.
Voodoo Fire in Haiti
- McKay, Claude
Home to Harlem
Nicholls, David
From Dessalines to
- Riou, Roger
The Island of My Life:
Petty Crime to Priestly Mission
- Salaam, Kalam
Iron Flowers
- Shacochis, Bob
Swimming in the Volcano
- St. John, Sir Spencer
The Black Republic
- Tallant, Robert
Voodoo in New Orleans
- Wells, Sumner
Naboth's Vineyard: 1844-1924
- Wucker, Michele
Why the Cock Fights:
Dominicans, Haitian, and the Struggle for Hispaniola
Bob Corbett