By Alex Dupuy
Westview Press
1989 (hard back)
Bob Corbett
Conditions of the exclusif
- Purchase all manufactured goods from France
- Ship all exports to France
- Use only French ships
- Balance of trade must be in favor of FRance.
- Depopulation of Hispaniola: the discovery of gold in South America and the lure of profits changed life in 1508.
- On island: there were 14,000 Spanish household in 1508.
there were 500 households in 1574.
- slavery 1506 the Spanish king gave rights.
- p. 20. Both French and Spanish preferred non-slave labor and used indentured slaves. The chnage came with sugar. The labor intensitivity required slaves. About 1680 it was introduced.
- Planters were in competition with small holders. Planters won. Thus sugar was feasible. Had the small holders won, as the did in New England, manufacturing would have likely sprung-up.
- p. 23. The slave system of San Domingue was more capitalist that mercantilist in nature. It was intimately related to the growing bourgeoroisie of maritime France.
- p. 27. Coffee growers were largely mulatto. It rivaled sugar after 1760s.
- p. 58. Need for whites: they have --capital --technological know how --links to foreign markets --loans
- p. 60 Toussaint acquired many properties and so did many black military officers, thus creating a new black propertied class.
- p. 81 Dupuy criticizes account of Nicholls. I agree with Dupuy!
- p. 105 Dupuy criticizes Lundahl that causes of peasantry's
empoverishment are not found in the market system.
- p. 127. List of foreing gun-boat diplomacy situations.
- p. 130 U.S. intervention in 1888/1891/1914
- p. 131. 3 long-term changes because of American occupation
- "The fiscal and legal reforms that allowed foreigners to own property in
- "The creation of a modern and centralized army and bureaucratic
administration that reinforced the authoritarian tendencies of the state.
- "The attempt to reintroduce plantation production for export."
- p. 139. Aims of occupation:
- Establish U.S. economic domination of Haiti.
- Ward off European interests.
- To establish conditions for continuance of # 1 and 2 with army, changed
economy and the establishment of middle class.
- p. 145 story + sources of rubber in WWII days.
also story and sources of bauxite mining.
Bob Corbett