JUNE 1917
pages 819-820


The President of the Republic has appointed Edmond Dupuy SECRETARY OF PUBLIC WORKS and agriculture to take the place of Etienne Magloire, resigned. The one hundred and fourteenth anniversary of the adoption of the HAITIAN FLAG was held throughout the Republic on May 18 last. It was on that date in 1803, under the presidency of Juan Jacobo Dessalines, that the Congress of Haiti enacted a law prescribing that the national emblem shall consist of two horizontal stripes, one blue and the other red.

On May 1, 1917, LABOR DAY was celebrated in Haiti. In Port au Prince the celebration took the form of religious ceremonies, exhibits of flowers and vegetables, a simulated battle with flowers, and a military parade. The President of the Republic, his cabinet, and high officials of the Government participated in the exercises. Six prizes, consisting of sufficient seed to plant a fanega (1.59 acres) of land, were awarded to farmers having the best exhibits of vegetables and flowers from the different agricultural regions of the Republic. Additional prizes of 100 and 200 gourdes, respectively, will be given to the agriculturists referred to who harvest


the largest and best crops from the seeds awarded to them. ---The decree of September 17, 1913, concerning the exclusive SALE OF STAMPS by the Bank of the Republic, has been modified so as to permit the sale of stamps in the postal agencies of the principal districts of the country, at the branches of the Bank of the Republic, and by persons authorized to vend same by the President of Haiti. The Government has issued an order requiring the CENSORING OF CABLES and wireless messages sent to foreign countries. According to an executive decree the amount of the EXPENSE BUDGET of the National Government for April, 1917, was 392,184 paper gourdes (paper gourde = $0.183) and 106,578 gold gourdes (gold gourde = $0.25). The National Congress, convoked under an executive decree of September 22, 1916, to consider, among other things, a NEW CONSTITUTION prepared by the council of state, met at Port au Prince on April 19 last. The establishment of branches of the PEDAGOGIC SOCIETY of Port au Prince in the different educational centers of the Republic has been an efficient means of encouraging instruction throughout the country. In addition to the branches already in operation in the Mirabalis district, branches were recently opened at Leogane, Grand-Goave, and Petit Goave. According to the national press the Haiti Film Co. of New York has been organized to exhibit MOVING PICTURES in the Republic. On April 11 last an ELECTION OF SENATORS was held throughout the Nation. Of the successful candidates, nine have held cabinet positions, seven are lawyers, two former members of the Senate, five former members of the House of Deputies, two are engaged in industrial occupations, three are generals, one is a physician, one a former attorney general of the Republic, and one is a student of and a graduate in political science. --- A well equipped AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL, under the direction of Dr. Emil Jeannot, was recently organized at Charpentier. A modern bathing house is being erected at the HOT SPRINGS at Pont Beudet. The waters of these springs are said to possess to a high degree curative properties, especially in the treatment of cutaneous diseases.


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