Notes on Andre Rigaud
- Korngold: He was the son of a French nobleman and a Haitian.
- He went back to France with Sonthonax.
- Waxman: Rigaud engineered the capture of Laveaux.
- Toussaint marched on Le Cap. Leveaux was freed.
- B. 1761 in Okay (Leyburn) Grew up in Bordeaux.
"fiery, intellectual, brilliant, lacking in self-control and political subtlety."
- Goldsmith:
1783 he fought in America on side of colonists
At the time of emancipation he was the dictator of the south and had about 5000 infantry and 1200 calvary.
- After pacification of Toussaint and blacks by Leclerc with Rigaud's help, he was arrested and deported to France.
- He came to the scene pledging no peace until one class exterminated the other (Holly, p. 124)
- Stoddard: p. 199. He fought for Sonthonax in 1793 in the South, but was defeated.
- P. 144 Heinl: Rigaud returned on Dec. 2, 1810. Declared the State of the South.
- Waxman: Rigaud was in Fort de Joux the same time that Toussaint was there. Toussaint didn't know of Rigaud's presence.
Bob Corbett