PHIL 4100.01: Images of Haiti in Fiction
Spring 2001
Bob Corbett, instructor
This course will first philosophically explore a methodology for analyzing an image of Haiti and Haitians from (mainly) popular fiction.
Then each student will read a number of novels and do analyses of the images of Haiti and Haitians in them. We will discuss these various analyses among ourselves and a quite large number of Haitian scholars who will visit the course.
We will read two books in common, one a scholar work on this issue: HAITI'S BAD PRESS by Robert Lawless.
Secondly we will all read one pop novel in common to compare our first results. We will read the 1959 Book of the Month Club selection, The Cross and the Drum by Hugh Cave, a book about the interface of Christianity and Voodoo religion.
Each student will be expected to participate REGULARLY in on-line discussion and to read and report on between 8-10 novels. Please note, these are not heavy reads, but rather light fiction, often in the genre of romance, espionage, the occult side of Haitian Voodoo, mystery stories, science-fiction, love stories and even pornography.
Students will be contributing to original research are possibilities of publishing the better pieces produced by the students, professor and visiting scholars to this course.
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