New Jewish Theatre

Finlayson guides the show with solid technique and an interpretation that taps into the story and humor. His sure direction helps this classic comedy sparkle even when the material is somewhat predictable and possibly familiar to audience members. Through clever movements and attention to timing, situations emerge that enable the actors to bring the characters to life and the audience to care. KDHX
Doug Finlayson's direction is nicely executed, and by taking advantage of the dramatic skills that the leads possess, he's able to give a fresh perspective to a much performed show that distinguises it. BROADWAYWORLD.COM
Director Doug Finlayson leads the cast by the hearststings. STAGEDOORSTL.COM
Director Finlayson emphasizes the strengths of his cast while keeping the action brisk. There isn't a line thrown away or gesture wasted. BELLEVILLE NEWS-DEMOCRAT
As is always the case with a Neil Simon script, the laughs punctuate almost every line in the play. The shuffling "dance" of Lewis & Clark setting up the props for rehearsal of "The Doctor Will See You Now" in Willie's apartment and later at the CBS studio, is orchestrated superbly by the actors under the nimble direction of Doug Finlayson. JEWISH LIGHT
Director Doug Finlayson creates a warm, energetic tone in the scenes between Continie as Willie, a kvetchy old man, and his various opponents. ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH
Timing is crucial for performers in any Simon play, and director Doug Finlayson does a good job ensuring that pace is lively and lines delivered smoothly. His touch also is evident in a wordless but highly humorous scene as the two aged vaudevillians laboriously move furniture about in Willie's apartment to rehearse their doctor sketch, comically oblivious to each other. LADUE NEWS