New Jewish Theatre
Finlayson has a sure feel for the material, weaving a poignant tapestry of recrimination and regret. And the cast is brilliant. St. Louis Post Dispatch
New Jewish has brought us a profound production with a tight knit cast. It’s powerful and heart wrenching and time doesn’t stand still- it seems to fly watching these pros tackle what could be a difficult script to interpret in lesser hands. Which leads us to the masterful job by director Doug Finlayson who weaves a spell with this story of love, mending both physically and emotionally and friendship that stands the test of time. Stage Door St. Louis
It’s a joy to listen to Margulies’ dialogue, which makes his characters look and sound all tge more real. Thanks to Finlayson’s attention to detail and his cast’s dedication to the material, attending Time Stands Still is time well spent. Ladue News

The old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” aptly describes the overarching theme of the drama “Time Stands Still” by the gifted writer Donald Margulies. It is a powerful exploration of high-risk photojournalism and written coverage of real-time combat. The play, which is showing through April 14 at the New Jewish Theater, is brought to the stage by a first-rate cast of four players who are directed with sensitivity and skill by Doug Finlayson. The Jewish Light
There’s a lot of subtle investiagion during the course of this two-hour drama… Is there something inherently cartoonish about American life, to the rest of the world? Are we too eager to handle serious issues in a lighthearted way? And can all the opposites be equally true as well? Yes, yes, andy, thanks to director Doug Finlayson. Talkin’ Broadway
Time Stands Still excels in illuminating both the harshness and tenderness of the battlegrounds in life - the kind of work that makes you think and continue asking questions long after the lights go down. Broadway World
Director Doug Finlayson has created a very worthwhile group to offer a thoughtful experience for all audiences. St. Louis Eats and Drinks