Insight Theatre Company
Stephen Sondheim and George Furth’s meta-musing on big-city relationships gets the luxe treatment in an Insight Theatre staging, where dazzling songs are supported by a great cast and surprisingly great production values. Everything’s well in hand under the direction of Doug Finlayson, with an outstanding set by Peter and Margery Spack. TALKIN’ BROADWAY

It’s easy to understand why. Company is filled with intelligent, delightfully complex and witty numbers, and the Insight production directed insightfully by Doug Finlayson impeccably captures the magic of those Sondheim tunes. Finlayson makes shrewd use of his large and very capable cast, positioning them carefully across the handsome, two-tiered scenic design created by Peter and Margery Spack to accentuate the influence of Bobby’s many friends on his psyche, surrounding him with their good intentions and often flawed results. LADUE NEWS
Under Doug Finlayson’s direction, Insight Theatre Company’s production… comes close to hitting this one out of the park. ST. LOUIS THEATRE SNOB
Martin Fox is appealing as Bobby. He successfully conveys the character’s emotion and conflict, and we clearly see his challenges, questions and movement forward. In this reviewer’s opinion, the acting is in fact a strong point of the show. All the scenes are emotionally grounded and each charfacter’s intention and reactions is clear, a credit to the cast and direcdtor Doug Finlayson. KDHX
Insight Theatre Presents Well Acted Company. RIVERFRONT TIMES
“Company” is dear to the hearts of us long-time Stephen Sondheim fans who played the LP of the original cast until the grooves wore down. It’s good to see it holds up as a bit of nostalgia and Doug Finlayson and his cast has given us something we can love all over again. STAGE DOOR ST. LOUIS
Insight Theatre is opening its 2016 season with “Company,” under the direction of Doug Finlayson. It’s still a smart, surprisingly moving production. ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH