Global Art Project for Peace, USA

The mission of the Global Art Project for Peace is to joyously create a culture of peace through art. The project spreads world peace by promoting tolerance and nonviolence. It expresses the idea: We Are All One.

The Global Art Project for Peace is an international art exchange for peace. Here’s how it works: Participants create a work of art in any medium, expressing their vision of global peace and goodwill. The art is displayed locally in each participant’s community. Global Art Project then organizes an international exchange by matching participants group-to-group and individual-to-individual. The exchange occurs April 23-30 biennially, resulting in thousands of people sending messages of peace and goodwill around the world at one time – visions of unity simultaneously encircle the earth. Participants may send documentation of the art created and of the people who came together to create the art to the Global Art Project Art Bank. Global Art Project exhibitions, books, presentations and website give people an opportunity to experience visions of peace and unity created by individuals from diverse cultures around the world.

The Global Art Project for Peace travelling exhibition is included in our exhibitions section.

Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.