Concentration Camps and Other Places Where Experiments Were Performed


      1. Live vivisections on patients
      2. Blood experiments
      3. Mengele injected methylne blue into patients eyes to try to change the brown eye color into blue (Gutman & Berenbaum, 1994)
      4. Removal of womens breasts (Snyder, 1976)
      5. Twin studies where Mengele would inject twins with various diseases to see the effects of them on the human body (Gutman & Berenbaum, 1994)  Mengele had tied the veins together of some of his patients to see what would happen (Gutman & Berenbaum, 1994)
      6. At block ten, around 300 women were injected with various caustic substances such as prolusion and progynon (Fischer, 1995)
      7. Most of the time if your treatment lasted more than four weeks, you were killed using phenol hexobarbitone or prussic acid (Sofsky, 1997)
      8. Doctors punctured children's livers or removed them (Annas & Grodin, 1992)
      9. Doctors tried to brainwash prisoners by giving them high doses of barbiturates and morphine (Lifton, 1986)
      10. They had a room full of skulls, body parts and mummies (Fischer, 1995)
      11. Sterilization and Castration experiments (Fischer, 1995)
      12. Cyanide salts injected into prisoners(Lifton, 1986)

      13. They did pharmacological trials for Bayer to see the effects of Ruthenol and 3582 on different conditions such as typhus, typhoid, paratyphoid diseases, dirheria, TB, and scarlet fever (Lifton, 1986)

      14. Artificially injected typhus in patients (Lifton, 1986)
      15. Hepatitis experiments (Annas & Grodin, 1992)
      16. Starved patients and removed their organs after death (Fest, 1970)
      17. Phenol injections and dissections (Lifton, 1986)
      18. Vivisections by exposing leg muscles and testing various medications on them (Lifton, 1986)
      19. Putting lead acetate on various parts of the body (Lifton, 1986)
      20. Medical students practiced and operated on people regarding their specialty (Lifton, 1986)
      21. Gallbladder operations
      22. Electroshock therapy
      23. Noma experiments


      1. Many of the Euthanasia experiments were done at Belzec and it was one of the first extermination camps (Snyder, 1976)


      1. Inmates were skinned for their tattoos (Fischer, 1995)
      2. Women were taken to the infirmary or Block 61 and either killed by the "needle" or taken for experiments (Sofsky, 1997)
      3. Live vivisections on humans
      4. Experiments on the liver
      5. Liquidation by injections including by apomorphine(Lifton, 1986)
      6. Unnecessary operations and amputations
      7. Yellow Fever, smallpox, paratyphoid A&B, cholera and TB was injected into healthy patients (Sofsky, 1997)
      8. Tried to cure homosexuality by doing all sorts of horrific experiments
      9. Patients injected with Luminal and Pervitin to see the effects (Sofsky, 1997)
      10. Patients whom had typhus, doctors injected fresh blood into them(Lifton, 1986)
      11. Injected evapium sodium and chloral hydrate in patients in operating rooms (Hackett, 1995)
      12. Burned patients had poison injected into their wounds(Hackett, 1995)


      1. One of the main extermination camps in Poland that had an efficient "Bone Crushing Machine" (Snyder, 1976)



      1. Hypothermia experiments - seeing how long people will last in freezing water and finding out what they could do to revive them (Fischer, 1995).
      2. High Altitude experiments- studying human reactions to high altitude flight. Prisoners were thrown into a decompression chamber and exposed to extreme pressure or "vacuum conditions"(Fischer, 1995)
      3. Malaria experiments- patients were infected with malaria to find a "cure"(Fest, 1970)
      4. Experiments with a plant called Polygal that did not work (Fest, 1970)
      5. Any prisoner in 1942 who had been in Dachau for longer than three months was killed by injection (Sofsky, 1997)
      6. People there were experimented on more than once


      1. A smaller concentration camp that was used to select prisoner for special experimentation by a medical commission  (Snyder, 1976)



      1. An extermination camp in Poland that tested the effects of Zyclon B on patients (Snyder, 1976)



      1. Between 1939-1945, twenty weaked prisoners were weeded out about once or twice a month and killed by an injection to the heart (Sofsky, 1997)
      2. Pharmacological experiments for Bayer was done at Mauthausen, as well as Auschwitz.  They studied the effects of various drugs on many diseases such as typhus, typhoid, paratyphoid, diaherrea, TB, Scarlet Fever and other diseases (Lifton, 1986)



      1. Inmates were infected with TB and other diseases in medical experiments.
      2. Jewish children were injected with virulent TB serum and then murdered(Snyder,1976)


      1. Patients wounds were inflicted with gang grene(Lifton)
      2. Transplantation of human bones (Sofsky,1997)
      3. Patients were injected with sulfonamide for a conference held at Ravenbruck (Annas & Grodin, )
      4. Experiments  were done on the menstrual cycle and irregular bleeding in women after they were told they were going to die ( Annas & Grodin, 1992)
      5. Sterilization of women


      1. Gypsies were pumped full of poison bullets to see the effects (Lifton, 1986)

      2. Patients were injected with contagious jaundice and other diseases (Snyder, 1976)



1. Subjects for experiments were selected from the trainloads that arrived there

T-4 Killing Centers

1. Bradenberg, Grafene, Hartheim, Sonnenstien, Bernberg and Hadamar

Intro       Nazi Doctors       Trial of the 23       References