

Global Human Rights

Ravensbruck, July, 2000

Discussions of human rights often fail to acknowledge the unique concerns of women around the globe particularly as they relate to the subordination of and injustices against women. Yet clearly, women's rights are human rights concerns. Violence against women and girls is the most pervasive violation of human rights in the world today. Discrimination against women and girls is an important basic cause of malnutrition. The very high rates of child malnutrition and low birth weight throughout much of South Asia are linked to such factors as women's poor access to education and their low levels of participation in paid employment, compared with other regions. Women comprise 70% of the world's poor. Eighty percent of the world's refugees are women and children. And as stated by Her Excellency Mary Robinson, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, "Bonded labour and the traffic in women and children have become our modern day versions of slavery." More than 1 million children, mostly girls, are forced into prostitution every year.

Students, as part of an advanced seminar, examined and wrote about a variety of women's international human rights concerns. This webpage represents the culmination of these students' work.

Important Phone Numbers


Acid Attacks Adoption RightsAsylum
Domestic Violence Economics Education
Female Genital MutilationFemale InfanticideFemale Political Prisoners in Northern Ireland & Strip-Searching
Forced Labor and Debt Bondage Forced Sterilization Homeless Women
HomohatredHonor KillingsHousing Rights
Lesbians and Human RightsMilitaryRape
Rape: A Weapon of WarRefugee and Displaced WomenSexual Harassment
Sex Trafficking Sex Workers' RightsSingle Motherhood and Teen Pregnancy
Sweatshops V-Day InitiativeVirginity Testing
Women and ChristianityWomen in AfghanistanWomen in Bangladesh
Women in U.S. Prisons Women's Voting Rights in Kuwait

Fight Domestic Violence! Donate your old cell phone to the Wireless Foundation. Send your old cell phone, battery, and charger to:

c/o Motorola
1580 E. Ellsworth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Click here for more information


Asian Women's Rights

African Women's Rights

Child Prostitution and Exploitation

Domestic Violence




Refugee & Displaced Women

Reproductive Health and Rights

Sex Trafficking

Women and Prison

General Resources, Organizations, and Link Pages

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