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21849: erzilidanto: Another Update on So Anne-Haitian Children hooded and manacled by US military (fwd)

From: Erzilidanto@aol.com

Re: Defenseless Haitian Children hooded and manacled (ala Iraqi
Prisoner/terrorists treatment) by US military in the dead of night in Haiti by Marguerite
RE: Campaign One - Stop U.S. military and brutal political repression of
unarmed Lavalas civilians and systematic de-mobilization of the mass electorate by
big U.S. and Haitian business and their Western military forces in Haiti.
(See, http://www.margueritelaurent.com/campaigns/campaigns.html )
From: Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
Date: May 12, 2004
Action: Please call the numbers listed below and lodge your complaints.
Circulate this Urgent Action Release and press your Congressional
representatives to investigate and your local and national media and newspapers to report
the wholesale slaughter in Haiti today of thousands of unarmed Haitians while
U.S. soldiers are on the ground and, even participating in these crimes
against humanity. This river of blood of mainly anyone accused of "voting for
Aristide" or being affiliated with someone who "voted or supported the
Constitutionally elected President of Haiti" cannot match the one or two killings per week
the New York Times, CNN and other mainstream media were so ready to report
and exaggerate when the purpose was to destabilize and destroy the
democratically elected Aristide/Neptune government.


Defenseless Haitian Children hooded and manacled (ala Iraqi
Prisoner/terrorists treatment) by US military in the dead of night in Haiti by Marguerite

According to our sources from Haiti today, four small children where arrested
along with Annette Auguste ("So Ann" )- Ages 5, 10, 12 and 14 by the U.S.
military during the grenade throwing, ceiling-shooting , dog-killing, U.S.
military show of imperial force the night of May 10, 2004 in Haiti.

All four children, along with the 7 adults, suddenlly and without showing of
any arrest warrants arrested, interrogated, arbitrarily detained and put in
U.S. custody had black hoods, ala Iraq Prisoner suspected terrorists, put over
their heads and were manacled in plastic  handcuffs. Sources from the Haiti
Information Report told us today that the Chief Administration Officer  has said
that Annette Auguste, as a U.S. citizen may be extradited under the Patriot
Act to the U.S. and charged as a terrorist. Others report Annette August is not
a U.S. but Haitian citizen and thus won't be extradited. The uncontradited and
important news to note is that Ms. Auguste, a renowed folkloric artist in
Haiti, is being held in a separate section of the Haitian jail in Port-au-Prince
controlled by the United States military. The amazing news here is that no
major media has deemed this story important enough to report it. None.

Few to none in the mainstream media are doing their jobs. Thus, the families
of countless Haitians being killed right now have no way of validating their
pains, no one to tell their stories to, no access to media and even the major
human rights organizations.

Meanwhile the U.S.- installed dictator, Gerald Latorture, is making the
rounds in foreign capitals. After denouncing Haitian national interests to collect
the 22 billion owed Haiti by France, he is now reportedly in France making the
jolly bonhomie rounds there also. Perhaps he will land back in Haiti with the
new French Minister of Foreign Affairs, a colonial visit that hasn't happen
in 200-years since Haiti took its independence in combat with the French
enslavers. Said French Foreign Minister is expected in Haiti on May 15, 2004.

On Monday last, said Gerald Latorture was in the U.S. visiting, among others,
Kofi Annan at the U.N.  The visit was not announced through official channels
, perhaps because of the embarrassment to the U.S. that the Bush
Administration has visited upon us with this naked conquest and overturn of a
democratically elected government in Haiti.  But, even- if they didn't want anyone to know
Gerald Latorture was visiting the U.N. and Kofi Annan, that doesn't lessen
the Security Counsel's complicity in the current human rights debacle and
unreported killings in Haiti today.

Note that UN Security Council Resolution 1529 leaves the key decisions on the
type and scope of military action in Haiti entirely in the hands of the force
commander (and of course, the unconstitutional Latorture et al) - so it looks
as though the Multinational Interim Force commander in Haiti has carte
blanche.  The UN thus, to our view, is equally complicit, with the recent violent
arrest of Annette Auguste and the beheading of democracy and the rule of law in
Haiti. Complicit because of Annan's and the Security Council's refusal to help
shore up democracy when President Aristide requested help, but willingness
now to shore up the illegitimate Latorture with clandestine meetings and the
intimidation of Jamaica and CARICOM.

CARICOM deserves a nobel peace prize for their principled stand so far and,
for not recognizing the new regime imposed on the Haitian people, a regime
shored up by U.S. guns that on, May 10, 2004, put black plastic bags and manacles
on 4 children, ages 5, 10,, 12 and 14 who were asleep at their grandmothers
house. A U.N. sanction force that refused to help the people of Haiti when they
called out for help to repulse cop killers but who silently allow these same
imperialist proxies to now oppress the people at will.

Security Resolution 1259 makes Kofi Annan just as complicit as Colin Powell
in the brutal repression of the Haitian people we see reported by the National
Lawyer's Guild reports, EPICA April 104 Delegation, Let Haiti live reports,
and Haiti Reborn, to name a few.

The UN has to be held accountable as do all the IGOS and governments (U.S.,
France, Canada, Chile) involved in Haiti and with sanctioning and abetting this
replacement of an elected-President with this rule by force and dictatorship.

This un- publicized Latorture visit with the U.N. further evidences Kofi
Annan and the UN Security Council's complicity with the clandestine human rights
violations happening in Haiti right now under their occupation and sanctions,
including the treatment of Haitian children who where put in U.S. custody in
Haiti in the dead of night, May 10, 2004.

For further details about So Anne's arrest and the manacling and hooding, as
if they were dangerous and lethal terrorists, by the greatest superpower in
existence, of 5-year old Haitian children during a dead-of-night home invasion
in Haiti, be sure to check the Haiti Information Project Report and pictures to
be posted at Blackcommentator.com tomorrow, May 13, 2004.

Marguerite Laurent
Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
May 12, 2004


"Men anpil chaj pa lou"  is Kreyol for - "Many hands make light a heavy load."

See, The Haitian Leadership Networks'  7 "men anpil chaj pa

lou" campaigns to help restore Haiti's independence, the will of the mass
electorate and the rule of law. See,
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/haitianlawyers.html ; http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/concerns.html

and Haitiaction.net


*****Urgent Action Alert****

*Denounce recognition of Latorture by UN's Kofi Annan *
Please contact Kofi Annan at the U.N. to protest his meeting with the
illegimite Gerald Latorture in New York on Monday, May 10, 2004, as well as continue
to call up the five members from the 39-member Congressional Black Caucus, who
met with Latorture last week.

According to recent media reports the following members of the Black

Congressional Caucus as well as Senator Harkin met with Latortue, the U.S.
imposed puppet in Haiti. The Haitian National Palace is currently occupied by
U.S. military. Voice your concerns about this travesty, this deliberate
beheading of Haitian democracy when U.S. lives are being lost in Iraq , supposedly
because we, the American people, stand against facism and Saddam's former
dictatorship rule.

How do the following representatives square supporting democracy in Iraq and
rule by force in Haiti. Contact them and let them know your displeasure at
their meeting with the illegitimate Gerald Latorture:

Eddie Bernice Johnson [D-Texas],

Gregory Meeks [D-N.Y.],

Sen. [Tom] Harkin [D-Iowa],

Carolyn Kilpatrick [D-Mich.] and

Elijah Cummings [D-Maryland] .

These members of Congress and the Senator seem also willing to accept

the U.S. installed government and brush aside demands for an

investigation. To contact them to share your concerns about human

rights abuses in the period after the February 29, 2004 coup d'etat and the
ilegality of

the "interim" Haitian government, you can use the info below.

* Eddie Bernice Johnson [D-Texas]:

Washington, D.C

1511 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-8885

Fax: (202) 226-1477

District Offices

Dallas Office:

Cedar Springs Plaza

2501 Cedar Springs Road

Suite 550

Dallas, TX 75201

Phone: (214) 922-8885

Irving Office:

1634 B West Irving Blvd.

Irving, TX 75061

Phone: (972) 253-8885

* Kendrick Meek [D-Fla.]:

Washington, DC

1039 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-4506

Fax: 202-226-0777

Miami-Dade County

111 N.W. 183rd Street

Suite 315

Miami Gardens, FL 33169

Phone: 305-690-5905

Fax: 305-690-5951

Broward County

10100 Pines Boulevard

Third Floor, Building B

Pembroke Pines, FL 33026

Phone: 954-450-6767

Fax: 954-450-6768

* Gregory Meeks [D-N.Y.]:

Washington Office

1710 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515




St. Albans District Office

196-06 Linden Boulevard

St. Albans, NY 11412



Far Rockaway Office

1931 Mott Avenue, Room 305

Far Rockaway, NY 11691



Richmond Hill Office 

106-11 Liberty Avenue - 2nd Floor

Richmond Hill, NY 11417



* Carolyn Kilpatrick [D-Mich.]:


1610 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515-2215

(202) 225-2261

Fax: (202) 225-5730

Office Hours: Monday-Friday (9:00-5:00pm)


1274 Library, Suite 1-B

Detroit, MI 48226

(313) 965-9004 or (313) 965-9005

Fax: (313) 965-9006

Office Hours: Monday-Friday (9:00-5:00pm)

Downriver Wyandotte Office

3005 Biddle Street, Room A

Wyandotte, Michigan 48192

Tel: 734.246.0780

Fax: 734.246.1148

* Sen. [Tom] Harkin [D-Iowa]:


731 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

(202) 224-3254 Phone

(202) 224-9369 Fax

(202) 224-4633 TDD



Iowa offices:


210 Walnut Street

Room 733, Federal Building

Des Moines, IA 50309

(515) 284-4574 Phone

(515) 284-4937 Fax


1606 Brady Street

Suite 323

Davenport, IA 52803

(563) 322-1338 Phone

(563) 322-0417 Fax


150 First Avenue, NE

Suite 370

Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

(319) 365-4504 Phone

(319) 365-4683 Fax


350 W. 6th Street

315 Federal Building

Dubuque, IA 52001

(563) 582-2130 Phone

(563) 582-2342 Fax


320 6th Street

110 Federal Building

Sioux City, IA 51101

(712) 252-1550 Phone

(712) 252-1638 Fax

* Elijah Cummings

Washington D.C.

1632 Longworth H.O.B. 

Washington, D.C. 20515 

Phone: (202) 225-4741 

Fax: (202) 225-3178 

Baltimore City 

1010 Park Avenue

Suite 105 

Baltimore, MD 21201 

Phone: (410) 685-9199 

Fax: (410) 685-9399 

Baltimore County

754 Frederick Road 

Catonsville, MD 21228 

Phone: (410) 719-8777 

Fax: (410) 455-0110

Also lodge your protest agaisnt the mass slaugher of Haitians and the hooding
in black plastic bags and manacling of Haitian children in Haiti by

Ambassador James Foley directly at the U.S. Embassy in
Port-au-Prince. Call on Secretary of State Colin Powell at the U.S. State
in Washington, and contact your Senators and Representatives. Call early and
call often.


Ambassador James B. Foley
U.S. Embassy, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
phone: 509.223.7011 or 509.222.0200
fax: 509.223.9665
email: acspap@state.gov

http://usembassy.state.gov (for address and additional phones)

Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of State
fax: 202.647.2283 or 202.647.5169
phone: 202.647.5291 or 202.647.7098
email via: http://contact-us.state.gov/ask_form_cat/ask_form_secretary.html

Haiti Desk Officers, U.S. State Department:

Joseph Tilghman
fax: 202.647.2901
phone: 202.647.5088
email: tilghmanjf@state.gov

Lawrence Connell
fax: 202.647.2901
phone: 202.647.6765
email: ConnellLF@state.gov

"Men anpil chaj pa lou"  is Kreyol for - "Many hands make light a heavy load."

See, The Haitian Leadership Networks'  7 "men anpil chaj pa

lou" campaigns to help restore Haiti's independence, the will of the mass
electorate and the rule of law. See,
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/haitianlawyers.html ; http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/concerns.html

and Haitiaction.net


To unsubscribe, contact Erzilidanto@aol.com