Curriculum Vitae

Linda M. Woolf, Ph.D.

Work Address: Department of Psychology
Webster University
470 East Lockwood
St. Louis, Missouri, 63119


(314) 246-7062

Research Interests: Ethics, Social Justice, & Human Rights
Peace/Political Psychology
Psychosocial models of Genocide
Holocaust Studies
Hate Groups
Global and International Psychology
LGBTQIA+ Social Justice Concerns
Education: M.A. 2021, Webster University
International Relations
Graduate Certificate: International Development

2001, Eastern European Study Seminar
Holocaust Educational Foundation

Graduate 1996, Yad Vashem Institute, Holocaust Studies for Educators,
Yad Vashem: The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority,
Har Hazikaron, Jerusalem, Israel

Ph.D. Saint Louis University
Major: Applied-Experimental Psychology

M.S. (Research) Saint Louis University
Major: Applied-Experimental Psychology

B.A. Webster University
Major: Psychology

Professional Experience:

2003 to Present Professor, Department of Psychology, Webster University
2011 to 2013 Visiting Professor (Summer Module), European Peace University, Stadtschlaining, Austria
2010 to 2012 Undergraduate Coordinator, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Webster University
1994 to 2003 Associate Professor, Webster University
1990 to 2002 Director, Master of Arts in Gerontology,
Webster University
1989 to 1994 Assistant Professor, Webster University
1988 to 1989 Visiting Professor, Webster University
Rank: Instructor
1986 to 1988 Adjunct Faculty, Webster University
Rank: Lecturer


Woolf, L. M. (In Press). Ethical decision-making in psychology. In V. Thakkar, R. Besing, K. Naugel,& E. Pantesco (Eds.). Beyond the Code: Integrating ethics into the undergraduate psychology curriculum.

Woolf, L. M., Flores, R. L., Ayorkor, G. (2023). Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. In Office of International Affairs (Ed.). Contributions to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. American Psychological Association.

Woolf, L. M. (2023). Teaching to change the world: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Psychology Teacher Network.

Woolf, L. M., & Walker, S. M. (2023). Committee for Global Psychology: Looking forward. Global Insights Newsletter.

American Psychological Association, APA Indigenous Apology Work Group. (2023). Report on an Offer of Apology, on behalf of the American Psychological Association, to First Peoples in the United States.

Haynes-Mendez, K. D., Nolan, S. A., Littleford, L. N., & Woolf, L. M. (2022). Diversity, equity, inclusion, and internationalization: Past, present, and future of STP. Teaching of Psychology, 50(2).

Woolf, L. M. (2022). Time to return to normal? I sure hope not. Teaching of Psychology.49 (2), 105–107.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2021). Statistical toolbox of psychology. In D. F. Ragin & J. P. Keenan (Eds.). Handbook of research methods in health psychology. (pp. 20-33). Routledge.

Sveaass, N., & Woolf, L. M. (2020). Human rights: A psychologist's path to "Do no harm." In N. Rubin, & R. Flores (Eds). Cambridge handbook on psychology and human rights (pp. 135-149). Cambridge University Press.

Swope, J. (2020, December 4). Teacher spotlight on Linda Woolf, PhD. Psychology Teacher Network.

Woolf, L. M. (2019). Peace and Social Justice. In M. G. Njoku, L. A. Jason, & R. B. Johnson (Eds.). Psychology of peace promotion: Global perspectives on personal peace, children and adolescents, and social justice (pp. 219-235). New York, NY: Springer.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2019). Infusing Diversity Into Research Methods = Good Science. In K. D. Keith (Ed.). Cross-cultural psychology: Contemporary themes and perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 107-127). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, L. M. (2018). Review of the book, Mothers of massive resistance: White women and the politics of white supremacy. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 42, 504-505.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2018). Peace psychology: A gateway and path to culture and diversity. In K. Keith (Ed.). Culture across the curriculum: A psychology teacher's handbook (pp. 427-446). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Woolf, L. M. (2017). Women and War. In K. Nadal (Ed.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender (pp. 1795-1796). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Woolf, L. M. (2017). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual experiences of aging. In K. Nadal (Ed.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender (pp. 1046-1048). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Woolf, L. M. (2017). Psychology education. A path to human rights and social responsibility. In R. L. Miller & T. Collette (Eds.) Teaching tips: A compendium of conference presentations on teaching, 2015-16. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2016). Peace psychology: A tapestry in history. In W. D. Woody, R. L. Miller, & W. J Wozniak (Eds.). Psychological specialties in historical context: Enriching the classroom experience for teachers and students. Retrieved from:

Woolf, L. M. (2016). Teaching psychology: Infusing human rights. Psychology Teacher Network, 26(1). Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2015). APA, SWP, the Hoffman Report, and Torture. The Feminist Psychologist,42(5), 24-26.

Woolf, L. M. (2014). Teaching human rights: Teaching LGBTQI rights. International Psychology Bulletin,18 (2-3), 39-43.

Woolf, L. M., & MacCartney, D. (2014). Sexual and gender minorities. In C. V. Johnson (Eds.). Praeger handbook of social justice and psychology. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Woolf, L. M. (2014). Examining concepts of war, torture, and terrorism in global context [Review of the book, International Handbook of War, Torture, and Terrorism]. PsycCRITIQUES, 59(1), Article 4.

Woolf, L. M. (2013). LGBTI rights and social justice. Peace Psychology, 22(2), 19-21.

Woolf, L. M. & Dockett, K. (2013). Reconciled anti-torture policy adopted and PENS rescinded. Peace Psychology, 22(2), 7-9.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2013). Human rights. In K. Keith (Ed.). Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2013). Sexual violence. In K. Keith (Ed.). Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2013). Women's rights. In K. Keith (Ed.). Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2103). Peace psychology. In K. Keith (Ed.). Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2013). Carolyn Robertson Payton. In K. Keith (Ed.). Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2013). Florence Denmark. In K. Keith (Ed.). Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2013). Ervin Staub. In K. Keith (Ed.). Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, L. M. (2012). Teaching psychology, human rights, and peace. Peace Psychology, 21(2), 20-22.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2012). Enhancing the role of international human rights in the psychology curriculum. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 11, 382-387.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2012). Obedience. In D. Christie (Ed.). Encyclopedia of peace psychology (pp. 728-732). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2012). Experimentation, design, & analysis. In D. Christie (Ed.). Encyclopedia of peace psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2012). Internet data collection. In D. Christie (Ed.). Encyclopedia of peace psychology (pp. 573-577). . Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2012). Laboratory experiments. In D. Christie (Ed.). Encyclopedia of peace psychology (pp. 588-592). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, L. M. (2011). Unraveling the future of peace education. [Review of the book, Handbook of Peace Education] PsycCRITIQUES, 56(26), Article 9.

Woolf, L. M. (2011). War is not a game: Let us teach our children well. Peace Psychology, 20(1), 12-13.

Woolf, L. M. (2011). Alternate paths to justice. [Review of the book, Restorative Justice Dialogue: An Essential Guide for Research and Practice]. PsycCRITIQUES, 56(28), Article 7.

Woolf, L. M. & Hulsizer, M. R. (2011). Peace and war. In R. L. Miller, E. Balcetis, S. R. Burns, D. B. Daniel, B. K. Saville, & W. D. Woody (Eds.), Promoting student engagement (Vol. 2, pp. 225-229). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Web site:

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2011). Why diversity matters: The power of inclusion in research methods. In K. D. Keith (Ed.). Cross-cultural psychology: Contemporary themes and perspectives (pp. 56-72). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, L. M. (2010). Nonviolence: A path to social action and peace. [Review of the book, Nonviolence and Peace Psychology: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Societal, and World Peace]. PsycCRITIQUES, 55(24), Article 5.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2010). Social psychological approaches to peace. International encyclopedia of peace (pp. 60-64). New York, Oxford University Press.

Woolf, L. M. (2009). Globalization: A call for social action and justice. [Review of the book, America Transformed: Globalization, Inequality, and Power]. PsycCRITIQUES, 54(27), Article 6.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2008). Teaching statistics: Innovations and best practices. Malden, MA: Blackwell. Book Web site at:

Woolf, L. M. (2008). The Holocaust: Lessons not learned. Peace Psychology, 17(2), 1, 16-20.

Woolf, L. M. (2008). Internationalizing psychology education. Peace Psychology, 17(2), 1, 26.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2007). Understanding the mosaic of humanity through research methodology: Infusing diversity into research methods courses. In D. S. Dunn, R. A. Smith, & B. Beins (Eds.), Best practices for teaching statistics and research methods in the behavioral sciences (pp. 237-256). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Woolf, L. M. (2007). Multiple paths from global conflict to peace [Review of the books, The Psychology of Resolving Global Conflicts: From War to Peace, Volumes. 1-3]. PsychCRITIQUES, 52,(21), Article 5.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2006). Understanding the psychology of hate groups can help society stop their growth. In P. Connors (Ed.), Hate crimes (pp. 192-204). Detroit, MI: Greenhaven.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Petrified wood and peace. Peace Psychology, 15(2), 3-4.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Marketing peace? Peace Psychology, 15(1), 3-4.

Lutsky, N., Torney-Purta, J., Velayo, R., Whittlesey, V., Woolf, L., & McCarthy, M. (2005). American psychological Association Working Group on Internationalizing the Undergraduate Psychology Curriculum: Report and recommended learning outcomes for internationalizing the undergraduate curriculum. URL:

Woolf, L. M. (2005). Swimming against the tide: Journey of a peace psychology professor. In T. A. Benson, C. Burke, A. Amdstadter, R. Siney, V. Hevern, B. Beins, & B. Buskist (Eds.). The teaching of psychology in autobiography: Perspectives from exemplary psychology teachers (pp. 361-367). Society or the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). URL:

Woolf, L. M. (2005). Women and Global Human Rights. In J. Apsel (Ed.), Teaching about human rights (pp. 125-135). Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2005). Psychosocial roots of genocide: Risk, prevention, and intervention, Journal of Genocide Research, 7, 101-128.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2005). Torture? But this is different! Peace Psychology, 14(2), 3-4.

Woolf, L. M. (2005). Psychologists, coercive interrogations, and torture. Peace Psychology, 14(2), 1, 28-29.

Woolf, L. M., & Heuchert, JW P. (2005). Mary Robinson to receive the Lynn Stuart Weiss Award. Peace Psychology, 14(1), 20.

Woolf, L. M. (2005). Culture, communication, and context [Review of the book, Cultures in communication]. PsycCRITIQUES, 50(51), Article 16.

Woolf, L. M. (2005, March). Teaching peace psychology in a post 9/11 world. E-xcellence in Teaching, Electronic Newsletter: Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2).

Woolf, L. M. (2005). Political profiling: Challenges, benefits, and risks [Review of the book, Leaders and Their Followers in a Dangerous World: The Psychology of Political Behavior]. PsycCRITIQUES, 50(1), Article 4.

Woolf, L. M. (2005). Medical experimentation. The encyclopedia of World War II: A political, social, and military history. Oxford, UK: ABC-CLIO.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2004). Hate groups for dummies: How to build a successful hate group. Humanity and Society, 28, 40-62.

Howe. T. R. (2004). Lessons learned from political violence and genocide in teaching a psychology of peace: An interview with Linda Woolf. Teaching of Psychology, 31, 349-353.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2004). Psychology of peace and mass violence -- War, ethnopolitical conflict, terrorism, and peace: Informational resources. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2004). Psychology of peace and mass violence -- Genocide, torture, and human rights: Informational resources. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2004). Psychology of peace and mass violence: Instructional resources. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2004). Bystanders. In J. K. Roth (Ed.), Ethics: Revised edition (pp. 583-586). Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.

Woolf, L. M. (2004). Genocide and democide. In J. K. Roth (Ed.), Ethics: Revised edition (p. 188). Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.

Woolf, L. M. (2004). Psychology behind terrorism. In D. Shelton (Ed.), Encyclopedia of genocide and crimes against humanity. New York: Macmillan Reference.

Woolf, L. M. (2004). Domestic terrorism: Unrecognized and unnamed [Review of the book, The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right]. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 10, 193-196.

Woolf, L.M. (2004). Peace psychology: An integrative discipline that is difficult to introduce [Review of the book, The Psychology of Peace: An Introduction]. H-Net Reviews. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2003). Psychosocial perspectives on terrorism syllabus. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2003). History and systems of psychology syllabus. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2002/2003). Intra- and inter- religious hate and violence: A psychosocial model. Journal of Hate Studies, 2, 5-26.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). Genocide: A psychosocial perspective. In J. Apsel & H. Fein (Eds.), Teaching about genocide: An interdisciplinary guidebook with syllabi for college and university teachers. (2nd ed.) (pp. 150-154). Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). Genocide: A psychosocial perspective: Annotated bibliography of primary resource material. In J. Apsel & H. Fein (Eds.), Teaching about genocide: An interdisciplinary guidebook with syllabi for college and university teachers (2nd ed.) (pp. 155-171). Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). Gay and lesbian aging, Siecus Report: Sexuality and Aging Revisited, 30 (2), 16-21.

Woolf, L.M., Hulsizer, M. R., & McCarthy, T. (2002). International psychology: A compendium of textbooks for selected courses evaluated for international content. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). Retrieved from

Woolf, L.M., Hulsizer, M. R., & McCarthy, T. (2002). International psychology: Annotated bibliography, relevant organizations, and course suggestions. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2002, Sept. 17). Psychology: Before and after September 11, 2001. Inside Webster.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). Viktor Frankl. In T. Riggs (Ed.), Reference guide to holocaust literature. New York: St. James Press.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). Man's Search for Meaning. In T. Riggs (Ed.), Reference guide to holocaust literature. New York: St. James Press.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). Bruno Bettelheim. In T. Riggs (Ed.), Reference guide to holocaust literature. New York: St. James Press.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). The Informed Heart. In T. Riggs (Ed.), Reference guide to holocaust literature. New York: St. James Press.

Woolf, L. M. (2001). Psychology of peace and conflict syllabus. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2001). Genocide: A psychosocial perspective syllabus. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2001). The Holocaust syllabus. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA). Retrieved from

Woolf, L.M. (2000). Incorporating genocide, ethnopolitical conflict, and human rights issues into the psychology curriculum: Informational resources. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA).

Woolf, L.M. (2000). Incorporating genocide, ethnopolitical conflict, and human rights issues into the psychology curriculum: Instructional resources. OTRP-Online, published by Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div. 2, APA).

Woolf, L.M. (2000). Evil, mass violence, and genocide [Review of the books, Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty and Genocide, War, and Human Survival]. International Journal of Group Tensions, 29, 383-386.

Woolf, L. M. (2000). Ageism. In P. Roberts (Ed.), Aging. Pasadena, California: Salem Press.

Woolf, L. M. (2000). Cocoon. In P. Roberts (Ed.), Aging. Pasadena, California: Salem Press.

Woolf, L. M. (2000). Look Me In the Eye: Old Women, Aging, and Ageism by Barbara McDonald. In P. Roberts (Ed.), Aging. Pasadena, California: Salem Press.

Woolf, L.M. (1999). Engaged dialogue with Holocaust survivors: Recounting and listening [Review of the book, On Listening to Holocaust Survivors: Recounting and Life History]. H-Net Reviews. Retrieved from

Ross, M. J., Handel, P. J., Tait, R. C., Grossberg, G. T., & Brandeberry (Woolf), L. (1990). A Preliminary comparison of healthy elderly and young adults on the SUNYA Revision of the Psychosomatic Symptom Checklist. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 34, 183-187.

Ross, M. J., Tait, R., Grossberg, G., Brandeberry (Woolf), L., & Nakra, R. (1988). Age differences in body consciousness. Journal of Gerontology, 44, 23-24.

Brandeberry (Woolf), L. M. (1988). The effects of age and gender on perceptions of younger and older adults. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Brandeberry (Woolf), L. M. (1986). Effects of lateral habenular lesions on predatory aggression, food and water intake, food spillage, locomotion, activity, and reactivity in rats. Unpublished master's thesis, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Psychology Today, Other Columns, and Podcasts

Altman, W. S., Woolf, L. M., & Ullman, J. B. (2024). Getting Ready for the APA Council Meeting and Convention! STP News, 27(7). 4-5.

Woolf, L. M. (2024). LGBTQ+ content in the psychology curriculum: How can APA help? STP News, 27(5). 4-5.

Woolf, L. M., Altman, B., & Ullman, J. B. (2024). APA Council update: Progress for the future. STP News, 27(3), 3-5.

Woolf, L. M. (2022). Society for the Teaching of Psychology: President Letter Blog.

Woolf, L. M. (2023, January 16). Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A call to action. Psychology Today.

Woolf, L. M. (2021, November 24). Thanksgiving: A day of gratitude, feast, or mourning. Psychology Today.

Woolf, L. M. (2021, May 9). PsychSessions Podcast. GST022 (Season 3 Episode 6) Garth and Sue Talk AP Reading and APA Ethics with Linda Woolf.

Woolf, L. M. (2019, October 1). PsychSessions Podcast. E071: Linda Woolf: Voracious Reader, Passion for Peace, St. Louis Loyal.

Woolf, L. M. (2019, August 22). Disloyalty? Ignorance? The meaning behind a tweetPsychology Today. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2019, August 4). Mass shooting: Shifting blame and shifting focusPsychology Today. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2018, March 4). Arming teachers: Good or bad idea? Psychology Today. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2018, February 15). Mass shootings: What role do guns play. Psychology Today. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2017, August 21). Mom? Dad? Can I have lunch with a Nazi? Psychology Today. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2017, August 13). Responding to Hate: Should We Just "Love One Another"? Psychology Today. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2017, August 4). Does the President owe the Boy Scouts an apology? St. Louis Post Dispatch. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2017, July 28). Codifying Discrimination: Trump's Anti-Transgender Policy. Psychology Today. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2015, August 4). APA, torture, and context. Psychology Today. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2015, August 4). End psychology's role in national security interrogations. Psychology Today. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2015, July 13). Torture, APA, and the Hoffman Report: What now?. Psychology Today. Retrieved from

Woolf, L. M. (2007, Sept. 1). A sad day for psychologists: A sadder day for human rights. Retrieved from OpEdNews.ASadDayForPsychologists.pdf

Woolf, L. M. (2025). Ethics in action: Teaching psychology's core ethical principles and the future of the APA Code. Invited Workship Presentation. 47th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. Clearwater Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., Mitchell, H. H., & Hulsizer, M. R., (2025). Ethical teaching: Challenges, dilemmas, and a potential new code. Roundtable Discussion. 47th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. Clearwater Beach, Florida.

Mitchell, H. H., Woolf, L. M., & Johnson, C. L. (2025). Getting the point: Investigating punctuation style and professor gender on student perceptions. Poster Presentation. 47th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. Clearwater Beach, Florida.

Hulsizer, M. R., Mitchell, H. H., & Woolf, L. M. (2025). How to weather the enrollment cliff: What psychology departments can do to stay afloat. Roundtable Discussion. 47th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. Clearwater Beach, Florida.

Campbell, L., Leach, M., Lowman, Woolf, L. M., & Childress-Beatty, L. (2024). A substantive discussion of the APA Ethics Code revision. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Seattle, WA.

Woolf, L. M. (2024). Ethical reasoning in a changing and diverse world: why human rights and social justice matter. Continuing Education Workshop. VA (Veterans Affairs) Psychology Leadership Conference. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M., Hulsizer, M. R., & Mitchell, H. (2024). APA’s Offer of Apology to First Peoples in the U.S: Integration into the psychology curriculum. Poster Presentation. 46th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. Bonita Springs, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., Hulsizer, M. R., & Mitchell, H. (2024). Are you in a rut? Tips for tackling burnout or bored lackluster teaching. Roundtable Discussion. 46th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. Bonita Springs, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., & Chapman, R. (2023). LGBTQIA+ issues in the psychology classroom. Higher Education Symposium on AP Psychology. Austin, Texas.

Woolf, L. M. (2023). Infusing social justice and human rights across our courses. Roundtable Discussion. Show Me ToP (Teaching of Psychology) Conference. Warrensburg, MO.

Campbell, L., Leach, M., Lowman, R. L, Morse, G., Tehee, M., Woolf, L. M., & Childress-Beatty, L. (2023). A substantive discussion of the APA Ethics Code revision. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L., M. (2023). Offer of Apology and Indigenous Apology Work Group Final Report: Overview and Status. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2023). United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Integration into the psychology curriculum. Poster Presentation. 45th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2023). Teaching ethics: A fundamental component of undergraduate psychology education. Roundtable Discussion, 45th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida

Woolf, L. M. (2022). Presidential Address: Teaching to make a difference: A social justice approach. Society for the Teaching of Psychology Annual Conference on Teaching. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Woolf, L. M. (2022). Human rights: A foundation for leadership in psychology. APA Leadership for Women in Psychology Webinar. Virtual.

Woolf, L. M. (2022). STP Presidential Address: Psychology and eugenics: Why this history matters to teaching today. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Campbell, L., Leach, M., Lowman, R. L, Woolf, L. M., & Childress-Beatty, L. (2022). A substantive discussion of the APA Ethics Code revision. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Woolf, L. M., Davis, R., Forrest, L., Shullman, S. L., & Thomas, J. T. (2022). Conversation about an Apology to First Peoples and Nations. 35th Annual Convention, American Indian Psychologists and Psychology Graduate Students. Virtual.

Copeland, D., Krischel, M., & Woolf, L. M. (2022). The legacy of the Holocaust in health professions education. Panel Discussion. International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Colorado University Center for Bioethics and Humanities.

Woolf, L. M. (2021). Teaching undergraduate ethics in psychology: A principle-based approach. Poster Presentation. STP Annual Conference on Teaching. Virtual.

Woolf, L. M. (2021). Journey for human rights and social justice: One psychology lesson at a time. North East Conference for Teachers of Psychology. Virtual.

Campbell, L. F., Leach, M., Lowman R. L., Woolf, L. M., Domenech Rodriguez, M. M., Morse, G. S., & Childress-Beatty, L. (2021). A substantive discussion of the APA Ethics Code revision. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Nolan, S., Woolf, L. M., & Fineburg, A. (2021). 2021 STP Presidential trio panel: Teaching during rapidly changing times. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M. (2020). APF Invited Brewer Lecture: Journey for human rights and social justice: One psychology lesson at a time. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M. (2020). Climate change risk and mitigation: Vulnerable persons and peoples. Symposium presentation. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M. (2020). Teaching ethics to undergraduates: A principles-based approach. Symposium presentation. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M. (2020). Symposium Chair: The dehumanization and reproductive control of women in medicine. Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R., (2020). The World's Fair: A window into the early history of psychology. Poster Presentation, 42nd Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2020). Psychology in the age of Trump. Poster Presentation, 42nd Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2019). Human rights: A psychologist's path to "Do no harm." Symposium presentation. 126th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Chicago, Illinois.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2019). Foundational science concepts: Human rights, social justice, and diversity. Poster presentation. 126th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Chicago, Illinois.

Ethics Code Task Force (2019). Town Hall - Conversation With the Chair, Vice, and Members of the Ethics Code Task Force. Member Participant. 126th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Chicago, Illinois.

Woolf, L. M. (2019). Hate groups: The many faces of enmity. Invited Presentation, Gateway to Diversity Conference, Federal Executive Board. Saint Louis, MO.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2019). Teaching ethics: Moving beyond the Code. Poster Presentation, 41st Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Frantz, S., & Woolf, L. M. (2018). What does my neighbor need to know about psychology? Roundtable Discussion, 41st Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2018). Many faces of hate. Saint Louis Holocaust Museum. Saint Louis, MO.

Woolf, L. M. (2018). Human rights and social justice: Core principles in psychological ethics. Grand Rounds, Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital. Columbia, MO.

Woolf, L. M. (2018). Human rights: A path to social justice and peace. The Center for International and Global Studies Lecture Series. Lindenwood University. Saint Charles, MO.

Woolf, L. M. (2018). Randal M. Ernst Invited Lecture: Politics, sex, religion, and rights: Controversial topics in the classroom. 126th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2018). Meet me in Saint Louis: Psychology at the fair. Poster presentation. 126th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2018). Preparing psychology students for the current war on science. Poster presentation. 126th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M. (2018). Hate crimes, hate speech. Invited Address: Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: Elevating the Conversation Conference, Webster University. Saint Louis, MO.

Woolf, L. M. (2018). Psychosocial roots of genocide and state terror. Poster Presentation, 40th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2018). Responding to intolerance and hate on campus and in the classroom. Roundtable Discussion, 40th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2017). Hate: Many layers, all destructive. Psychology Department Speaker's Series. Webster University, Saint Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2017). Early roots of peace psychology in the United States. Poster presentation. 125th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M. (2017). Symposium Chair: Responding to hate on campus. 125th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2017). What every psychology student should know about hate. Symposium presentation. 125th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2017). Politics, sex, and religion: Not just dinner table conversation anymore. Roundtable Discussion, 39th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2016). Online hate and political extremism. 124th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO.

Woolf, L. M. (2016). Psychology education: A path to human rights and social responsibility. Fifth Annual Psychology One Conference, Stanford University. Stanford, CA.

Woolf, L. M. (2016). The KKK: A group of terror and hate. Missouri History Museum. St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (2016). The psychology of hate: From intolerance to terror. Distinguished Scholar Address. University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, IN.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2016). APA, human rights, and the Hoffman Report: Teachable moments. Roundtable Discussion, 38th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2015). Key lessons for teaching human rights and psychology. 2015 Oklahoma Network for the Teaching of Psychology Annual Conference. Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Cokley, K., Jacobs, S., & Woolf, L. M. (2015). The APA's role in torture: Navigating discussions with students. Panel Discussion. 2015 Oklahoma Network for the Teaching of Psychology Annual Conference. Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2015). Sexual orientation and gender identity: Integration into the psychology curriculum. Poster Presentation. 123th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Toronto, Canada.

Woolf, L. M. (2015). Nazis in America. Missouri History Museum. St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (2015). Psychology: A voice for human rights and social justice in the 21st century. Annual Psi Chi Address, Saint Louis University. St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (2015). Ripped from the headlines: Psychology and torture. 38th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2015). Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: Teaching students to find their voice in psychology classes. Poster Presentation, 37th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2014). Teaching the psychology of political violence: Genocide, torture, and terror. Poster Presentation. 122th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M. (2014). Social responsibility, Social justice, and civic engagement: Classroom activities. Paper Presentation. 122th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2014). Political psychology: Activities for the classroom. Poster Presentation, 36th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., Hulsizer, M. R., & Mitchell, H. (2014). Direct and structural violence: Resources and activities for the classroom. Roundtable Discussion, 36th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2013). Research ethics: Teaching from a historical perspective. Poster Presentation. 121th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Honolulu, HI.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2013). Human rights education and psychology: An agenda for the 21st century. Paper Presentation. 121th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Honolulu, HI.

Woolf, L. M. (2013). Out of the closet: LGBTI issues, social justice, and psychology. Poster Presentation, 35th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2013). Combating hate on campus. Roundtable Discussion, 35th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2012). The psychology of hate: Roots of terror and genocide. World Without Genocide/William Mitchell School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Woolf, L. M., Hulsizer, M. R., & MacCartney, D. (2012). Encountering hate online: Information for teachers and students. Poster Presentation, 120th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Orlando, FL.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2012). Enhancing the role of International human rights in the psychology curriculum: A response to changes in the APA Ethics Code. Poster Presentation, 34th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., Hulsizer, M. R., & MacCartney, D. (2011). An analysis of online hate groups. Webster University Fall Faculty Institute, Grafton, IL.

Woolf, L. M. (2011). The psychology of hate. Keynote Address, Sex, Gender, and Human Rights: LGBT Issues from Anoka to Uganda Conference, World Without Genocide/William Mitchell School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Woolf, L. M., Hulsizer, M. R., & MacCartney, D. (2011). Hate online: An analysis of Internet hate sites. Poster Presentation, 119th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M., Hulsizer, M. R., & MacCartney, D. (2011). Online hate: Important information for educators. Presentation, 119th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M. (2011). Discussant. Moderating difficult classroom discussions---The example of sexual orientation and religion. 119th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Kimmel, P., Woolf, L. M., & Arrigo, J. M. (2011). Proactive code of conduct for peace psychologists. 119th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.

Woolf, L. M. (2011). Organized extremist and hate messages: The impact on campus. Invited address, Oklahoma State University Difficult Dialogue Program, Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Woolf, L. M. (2011). Best practices in teaching: Applying positive psychology to pedagogy. Invited address, Saint Louis College of Pharmacy. St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2011). Departmental assessment: Odious task or terrific opportunity. Roundtable Discussion, 33rd Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2010). Dancing with enmity: The psychology of hate groups. 2010 Oklahoma Network for the Teaching of Psychology Annual Conference. Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2010). Hate on campus. 118th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. San Diego, California.

Woolf, L. M. (2010). The role of hate groups in the spectrum of violence. National Summit on Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan: Forging A Shared Agenda. Dallas, Texas.

Woolf, L. M. (2010). Dancing with enmity: The psychology of hate groups. 32nd Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2009) Human rights and social justice: A path to internationalizing psychology. 117th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Toronto, Canada.

Woolf, L. M. (2009). Today we will be studying terrorism: Lessons from psychology, 16th Annual Midwest Institute for Students and Teachers of Psychology, Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

Woolf, L. M. (2009). Psychosocial roots of terrorism. Invited Address, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Woolf, L. M. (2009). Nazi medicine: The killing-healing paradox. Invited Address, Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island.

Woolf, L. M. (2009). Good vs. evil? But what about the choice to stand by passively? Invited Address, Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island.

Woolf, L. M., Hulsizer, M. R., & Harmon-Vukic, M. (2009). Tips for inserting active learning exercises into statistics courses. Roundtable Discussion, 31st Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2008). Psychosocial antecedents of hate crimes: Lessons from cyberspace. Paper Presentation, 116th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Boston, Massachusetts.

Woolf, L. M. (2008). Teaching the psychology of terrorism. 30th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Harmon-Vukic, M., Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2008). Using statistical software in statistics courses. Roundtable Discussion, 30th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2007). Human rights, ethics, and professional responsibility: The challenge for psychology. Invited Address, Rights and Responsibilities: Scientific Associations and International Human Rights Norms, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Washington, D.C.

Woolf, L. M. (2007). Torture: Crossing the line in sanctioned violence. Paper Presentation, 115th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. San Francisco, California.

Woolf, L. M. (2007). Analysis of the 2006 APA Resolution Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Symposium Presentation, 115th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. San Francisco, California.

Woolf, L. M. (2007). Psychosocial roots of genocide: Darfur. Panel Presentation, 115th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. San Francisco, California.

Woolf, L. M. (2007). Symposum Chair: Ethics and interrogations---Confronting the challenge: What are the effects of psychological torture and abuse? 115th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. San Francisco, California.

Woolf, L. M. (2007). Panel Discussant, Community Cinema Series: Knocking. Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Human rights and psychology: An agenda for the 21st century. Division 48 Presidential Address, 114th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Teaching psychology, teaching peace. Paper Presentation, 114th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Internationalizing the curriculum. Division 52 Presentation, 114th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Symposium Chair, Psychopolitical dynamics and consequence of torture, 114th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Symposium Chair, Human rights, torture, and professional responsibility, 114th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Realizing "Never Again": The challenge and possibility of genocide prevention. Paper Presentation, International Peace Research Association, Biennial Conference. Calgary, Canada.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Symposium Chair, Peace psychology II: Theory and practice in peacebuilding. International Peace Research Association, Biennial Conference. Calgary, Canada.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Nazi medicine: The killing-healing paradox. Faculty Colloquium Series: Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (2006). Elections, ethnicity, and extremism: Teaching political psychology in the 21st century. Poster Presentation, Twenty-eighth Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2005). Best practices in teaching: Applying positive psychology to pedagogy. Faculty Development Workshop. Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (2005). Landmines to lynchings: The political psychology of mass violence. Paper Presentation, 113th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Woolf, L. M. (2005). Putting the positive in pedagogy. Invited Plenary Address, 113th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Torney-Purta, J., Woolf, L. M., Velayo, R. S. Whittlesey, V., & Lutsky, N. (2005). APA Task Force on Internationalizing the Undergraduate Psychology Curriculum. Conversation Hour, 113th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Woolf, L. M. (2005). Teaching positive psychology through an evaluation of utopian visions. Poster Presentation, Twenty-seventh Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2005). Incorporating online hate sites into social psychology classes. Poster Presentation, Twenty-seventh Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M. (2005). When hate groups arrive on campus. Roundtable Discussion, Twenty-seventh Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M.,& Hulsizer, M. R. (2005). What's new in the psychological study of mass violence and peace? Roundtable Discussion, Twenty-seventh Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2004). Doctrine of hate: An analysis of religious hate groups. Poster Presentation, 112th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Woolf, L. M. (2004). Teaching Peace Psychology: Classroom Integration, Resources, and Syllabi. Paper Presentation, 112th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Woolf, L. M. (2004). Student Motivation: Is Your Classroom a Prison, Party, or Pedagogical Haven? Faculty Development Workshop. Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (2004) Holocaust: The importance of remembrance. Congregation Shaare Emeth, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (2004). Integrating the psychology of terrorism into the curriculum. Poster Presentation, Twenty-Sixth Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2003). Psychosocial roots and ramifications of mass prejudice. Otherness: The Construction of Difference and its Consequences in the 20th Century, Conference cosponsored by the USHMM and Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2003). Psychosocial roots of genocide: Risk, prevention, and intervention, Webster University Fall Faculty Institute, Grafton, Illinois.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2003). War And peace: Curricular, classroom, and lecture incorporation strategies. Roundtable Discussion, 111th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Woolf, L. M., & McCarthy, T. (2003). Internationalizing the psychology curriculum 101: Rationale, barriers, and solutions. Paper Presentation, 111th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Woolf, L. M. (2003). Psych Cattell was not James McKeen's nickname! Poster Presentation, 111th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Woolf, L. M. (2003). An interactive contextual psychosocial model of genocide. International Association of Genocide Scholars Conference, Galway, Ireland.

Woolf, L. M. (2003). Integration of genocide education across the undergraduate and psychology curricula. International Association of Genocide Scholars Conference, Galway, Ireland.

Woolf, L. M. (2003). Remembrance and resistance: For your freedom and ours.. Keynote address, Yom HaShoah Commemoration, AR-PERSCOM, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (2003). Trekking through the science of psychology. Poster Presentation, Twenty-Fifth Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2003). Internationalization of Introductory Psychology: Challenges, benefits, and resources. Roundtable Discussion, Twenty-Fifth Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). From intolerance to genocide: Lessons learned. Invited Presentation. MICDS, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). Introductory statement and Symposium Chair: Terrorism's aftermath: Challenges to students, faculty, and the academy. 110th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Chicago, Illinois.

Woolf, L. M., & Howe, T. (2002). Terrorism and political violence: Integration into the psychology curriculum. Paper Presentation, 110th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Chicago, Illinois.

Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. (2002). Internationalizing the psychology curriculum: Challenges, benefits, and a response to world events. Roundtable Discussion, 110th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Chicago, Illinois.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). Women's human rights: A path to internationalizing psychology and women. Poster Presentation, 110th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Chicago, Illinois.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). A contextual psycho-social model of genocide. Paper Presentation. The Genocidal Mind: The 32nd Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches. Newark, New Jersey.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). Psyche Cattell was not James McKeen's nickname! Poster Presentation, Twenty-Fourth Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2002). When international crisis, terrorism, and war hit home. Roundtable Discussion, Twenty-Fourth Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2001). Introductory statement and Symposium Chair: Integrating peace research and theory into the psychology curriculum. 109th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, California.

Woolf, L. M. (2001). Teaching peace psychology. Paper Presentation, 109th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, California.

Woolf, L. M. (2001). Eugenics, Social Darwinism, and the Holocaust. Paper Presentation, 109th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, California.

Woolf, L. M. (2001). Yom Hashoah: A path to remembrance. Invited Presentation, Congregation Shaare Emeth, St. Louis, MO.

Woolf, L. M. (2001). Teaching research ethics within the context of human rights and history. Poster Presentation, Twenty-Third Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. & Hulsizer, M. R. (2001). Challenges associated with Internationalizing the psychology curriculum. Roundtable Discussion, Twenty-Third Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2000). Reflections of a Holocaust traveler. Faculty Colloquium Series: Webster University, St. Louis, MO.

Woolf, L. M. (2000). Women in an age of genocide. BSS Club Lecture Series: Webster University, St. Louis, MO.

Woolf, L. M. (2000). Introductory statement and Symposium Chair: Promoting peaceful classrooms. 108th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Woolf, L. M. (2000). Peace and conflict: Preparing students for the new millennium. Invited Poster Presentation, 108th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Woolf, L. M. (2000). Examining the Holocaust in context: The Netherlands. Paper presented at The 30th Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Woolf, L. M. (2000). Peace and conflict: Preparing students for the new millennium. Poster Presentation, Twenty-Second Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (2000). Pride and prejudice: The role of artificially inflated self-esteem and hate. Forum on the Columbine High School tragedy: One year later. Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. & Hulsizer, M. R. (2000). Human rights education and the psychology curriculum. Roundtable Discussion, Twenty-Second Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (1999). Women in an age of genocide: Common threads. Faculty Colloquium Series: Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri

Woolf, L. M. (1999). Women in an age of genocide: Therapeutic considerations. Center for Trauma Recovery Colloquium Series, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (1999). Genocide in East Timor: Past and present. Forum on East Timor. Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (1999). Survival and resistance: The Netherlands under Nazi occupation. Invited Presentation, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Washington, D.C.

Woolf, L. M. (1999). Conscience and courage: The many faces of resistance. Opening address at Purple Triangle: An Untold Story of the Holocaust Conference, Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L. M. (1999). Genocide, mass violence, and human rights: A path to Internationalizing the psychology curriculum and promoting social responsibility. Poster Presentation, Twenty-First Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L.M. (1998). Holocaust: What our students know and why they should know more. Invited Presentation, Webster University Fall Faculty Institute: Pere Marquette, Illinois.

Woolf, L.M. (1998). Ageism: Myths and biases against aging and older adults. Crestwood Community Center: Crestwood, Missouri.

Woolf, L.M. (1998). Psychology students' knowledge of and attitudes towards the Holocaust. Invited Poster Presentation, 106th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association: San Francisco, California.

Woolf, L.M. (1998). Gay and lesbian aging. Eleventh Annual Webster University Gerontology Conference: Sexuality, Intimacy, and Aging. St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L.M. (1998). Psychology students' knowledge of and attitudes towards the Holocaust. Poster Presentation, Twentieth Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (1997). Teaching the Holocaust from a psychological perspective. Poster Presentation, Nineteenth Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (1996). Survival tips for students enrolled in quantitative and methods courses. Poster Presentation, Eighteenth Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Woolf, L. M. (1995). Self-neglect in the elderly. Training seminar presented to the Mid-East Area Agency on Aging Subcontractors, St. Louis, Missouri.

Woolf, L.M. (1994). Self-neglect: Prevention, detection, and intervention. Presented at Elder Abuse: A Community Response Conference: St. Louis, Missouri.

Brandeberry, L. M. (1993). Elder abuse: Detection and Intervention. Presented at St. Louis Counseling Associations Conference "Healing the Wounds of the Abused: A Multigenerational Issue", St. Louis Community College, St. Louis, Missouri.

Brandeberry, L. M. (1993). Elder abuse prevention. Training seminar presented to St. Louis Area Agency on Aging Subcontractors, Cardinal Ritter Institute: St. Louis, Missouri.

Brandeberry, L. M. (1993). Is psychology doing enough to integrate gerontological issues into the curriculum? Poster Presentation, Fifteenth Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Brandeberry, L. M. (1992) Panel Respondent to film Racism 101. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, Webster University.

Brandeberry, L. M. (1992). Hags, crones, and little old ladies: Images of older women. Presented at Women's Studies Luncheon, Webster University.

Brandeberry, L. M. (1992). Age as an issue of cultural diversity. Presented to the Department of Psychology, Saint Louis University.

Brandeberry, L. M. (1992). Attitudes towards older adults. Presented at Webster Groves Church of Christ, St. Louis, MO.

Brandeberry, L. M. & Moore, M. (1991). Women's intellectual contributions to psychology: Student generated text. Poster Presentation, Thirteenth Annual National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology: St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Brandeberry, L. M. (1988). Workshop on Ageism. Presented to fourteen senior citizen centers in the St. Louis metropolitan area.

Ross, M., Tait, R., Grossberg, G., Brandeberry, L., & Nakra, R. (1988). Age differences in emotional and physical health. Poster Presentation, Midwest Psychological Association: Chicago, Illinois.

Brandeberry, L. M. & Gibbons, J. L. (1985). Inhibition of cricket killing by lateral habenular lesions. Poster Presentation, Society for Neuroscience: Dallas, Texas.

Gibbons, J. L. & Brandeberry, L. M. (1984). Quipazine inhibits cricket and salamander killing in rats. Federation Proceedings, 43, (abstract). Poster Presentation, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology: St. Louis, Missouri.

Professional Service

APA Council of Representatives elected from Division 2 (Society for the Teaching of Psychology). January 2024 to Present.

Member, APA Ethics Code Task Force, 2018 to Present.

Member, Division 2 (Society for the Teaching of Psychology) Fellows Committee, 2023 to Present.

Board Member/Lemkin Committee Member, Institute for the Study of Genocide, 2007 to Present.

Member, Division 1 (Society for General Psychology) Fellows Committee, 2017 to Present.

Member, APA Council Ad Hoc Diversity Impact Statement Committee, (Co-Chair 2023-24) to Present.

2022 President, APA Division 2 (Society for the Teaching of Psychology); Past-President, 2023, President-Elect 2021.

Fulbright Screening Committee (Netherlands), 2022 to 2023.

Member, APA Committee for Global Psychology/Committee on International Relations in Psychology. 2022 (Member 2021, 2023; Co-chair, 2022).

Scoring Leader, College Board, Advanced Placement Psychology: 2022.

Reader, College Board, Advanced Placement Psychology: 2006, 2007, 2009-2020, 2023

Co-Chair, APA Indigenous Apology Work Group, 2020 to 2022.

American Psychological Association, APA Indigenous Apology Work Group. (2023). Report on an Offer of Apology, on behalf of the American Psychological Association, to First Peoples in the United States.

Member, Working Group, Psychology High School Teacher Preparedness. 2021 to 2022.

APA Council Representatives elected from Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women), January 2018 to 2020 (3 year term).

Chair, APA Public Interest Caucus, 2020 (Chair-Elect, 2019).

Chair, Governance Committee, APA Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women), 2020.

Member, APA Committee of Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS). 2017 to 2019.

Chair, Bylaws Revision Task Force, Division 35, APA, 2017 to 2019.

Liaison - Society for the Psychology of Women (Division 35, APA) to the Society for the History of Psychology (Division 26, APA), 2016 to 2019.

Member, APA Commission on Ethics Processes, 2016 to 2017.

Participant, APA Summit on High School Psychology Education, Diversity and Access Work Group, 2017.

Expert Participant, Expert meeting on Human Rights Education for Psychologists and Fundamental Rights Awareness. European Federation of Psychologists Association (EFPA), the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC). 2016.

Editorial Board Member for H-Genocide, H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online, The Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online, Michigan State University, 2001 to 2014.

Chair, APA Member-Initiated Task Force to Reconcile Policies Related to Psychologists' Involvement in National Security Settings, 2012-2013.

Policy approved/Adopted by APA Council 2013: Policy Related to Psychologists' Work in National Security Settings and Reaffirmation of the APA Position Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Received by Council: Report of the APA Member-Initiated Task Force to Reconcile APA Policies Related to Psychologists' Work in National Security Settings

Executive Committee Member, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology (Division 48, American Psychological Association), 2001 to 2013.

Chair, Feminism & Peace Working Group, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology (Division 48, American Psychological Association), 2011 to 2013.

Historian/Archivist, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology (Division 48, American Psychological Association), 2009 to 2013.

Co-Chair, National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP) Advisory Board, 2011 to 2012.

Member, National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP) Program Committee, 2006 to 2011.

Editorial Board, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 2006 to 2010.

Liaison - Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Division 2, APA) and Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology (Division 48, APA), 1999 to 2010.

Vice-President for Diversity and International Issues, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Division 2, American Psychological Association), 2010.

Internet Editor (, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology (Division 48, American Psychological Association), 2003 to 2009.

Resource Manager, Peace Psychology Resource Project (, 2004 to 2009.

Chair, Long-Range Planning Committee, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Division 2, American Psychological Association), 2008-2009.

Steering Committee, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, 2007 to 2009.

Member, Diversity Education Resources Task Force, American Psychological Association, 2006 to 2008.

Secretary, Raphael Lemkin Award Committee, Institute for the Study of Genocide, 2003 to 2008.

Member, International Teaching of Psychology Task Force, Society for the Teaching of Psychology, 2006 to 2008.

President (2005-2006), Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology (Division 48, American Psychological Association); Past-President, 2007; President-Elect, 2004 to 2005.

Working Group Member, "Where Faculty Live: Internationalizing the Disciplines", American Council on Education Initiative being coordinated through the Education Directorate, American Psychological Association, 2004 to 2006.

Committee Member, APA Ethics and Interrogation Convention Program Planning Committee, 2007.

One of the Primary Drafters: 2006 American Psychological Association Resolution Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Secretary, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Division 2, American Psychological Association), Elected position, 2003 to Dec. 2005.

Newsletter Editor, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Division 2, American Psychological Association), 2003 to Dec. 2005.

Member, Publications Committee, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Division 2, American Psychological Association), 2003 to Dec. 2005.

Chairperson, Awards Committee, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology (Division 48, American Psychological Association), 2004 to 2005.

Member - International Psychology (Division 52) Web Task Force, 2004 to 2005.

PeacePsych Discussion List Manager and Moderator, Official listserv for the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology (Division 48, American Psychological Association), 2003 to 2004.

Executive Committee, Member-At-Large, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology (Division 48, American Psychological Association), Elected position, 2002 to 2004

Awards Committee, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology (Division 48, American Psychological Association), 2002 to 2003.

Book Review Editor for H-Genocide, H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online, The Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online, Michigan State University, 2001 to 2004

Education Staff (Human Rights & Holocaust Education) - Congregation Shaare Emeth, 2000 to 2004

Chairperson, Task Force on Promoting Peaceful Classrooms, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Division Two, American Psychological Association), 1999 to 2001.

Interviewed for the documentary - The Genocide Factor, Media Entertainment, first aired April 2002, PBS.

Interviewed for documentary The Nazi Lie : Propagation of Evil

Primary Conference Organizer - Purple Triangle: An Untold Story of the Holocaust (April 1999), Webster University: St. Louis, Missouri.

Member, Board of Directors, Housing Options Provided for the Elderly, Inc. (H.O.P.E., Inc.) Spring, 1992 to 1998.

Honors, Awards, and Grants
2020 APF Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award
Citation: "Respect for diversity, human rights, ethics, critical thinking, and depth of learning are primary to Linda M. Woolf's philosophy of teaching. For 30 years, Linda has encouraged fellow teachers to integrate issues of social justice and global concerns into their courses-teaching to make a difference. Nationally, Linda is a tireless advocate for justice and human rights, and locally, she is a sought-after educator who comes to work each day excited about the classroom. Linda's vision, leadership, and advocacy have expanded psychology to make our discipline more globally relevant to students, researchers, teachers, and mental health professionals throughout the world."
2014 APA Presidential Citation
"For educating current and future generations about human rights through her scholarly teaching and writing, and for assisting APA in drafting and adopting policy resolutions that prohibit human rights abuses and protect the welfare of individuals in U.S. custody, most notably the comprehensive 2013 policy that reconciled seven earlier APA policies."
2007 APS Champion of Psychology
see Vaughn-Blount, K. (2007). Champions of psychology: Linda Woolf, Webster University. APS Observer, 20(8). Retrieved from
2005 Society for the Teaching of Psychology Award,
For Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M., Incorporating Online Hate Sites Into Social Psychology Classes
27th Annual National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology
2004 Faculty Research Grant, Webster University, For Hulsizer, M. R., & Woolf, L. M.,
Psychosocial Roots of Mass Violence
2004 Society for the Teaching of Psychology Award,
For Integrating the Psychology of Terrorism into the Curriculum
26th Annual National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology
2002 Society for the Teaching of Psychology,
OTRP Instructional Resource Award,
McCarthy, T., Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. Psychology and Law: Instructional and Informational Resources.
2002 Society for the Teaching of Psychology Award,
For Psyche Cattell was not James McKeen's Nickname!
24th Annual National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology
2001 Holocaust Educational Foundation scholarship, Eastern Europe Study Seminar.
2000 Faculty Research Grant, Webster University, European Holocaust Study Trip.
2000 Emerson Electric Excellence in Teaching Award (Regional Teaching Award)
2000 Kemper Outstanding Teaching Award
Webster University (University Teaching Award)
2000 Society for the Teaching of Psychology,
OTRP Instructional Resource Award,
Woolf, L. M., Hulsizer, M. R., & McCarthy, T. Expanding Student Boundaries with International Psychology: Textbook Evaluations, Strategies for Integration, and Resource Guide.
2000 Society for the Teaching of Psychology Award,
For Peace and Conflict: Preparing Students for the New Millennium
22nd Annual National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology
1999 Society for the Teaching of Psychology,
OTRP Instructional Resource Award,
Woolf, L. M. Curriculum Resource - Genocide, ethnopolitical conflict, and human rights: A path to internationalizing the psychology curriculum and promoting social responsibility
1999 Runner-up - Society for the Teaching of Psychology Award,
For Genocide, Mass Violence, and Human Rights: A Path to Internationalizing the Psychology Curriculum and Promoting Social Responsibility,
21st Annual National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology
1998 Society for the Teaching of Psychology Award,
For Psychology Students' Knowledge of and Attitudes Towards the Holocaust,
20th Annual National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology
1996 & 1997 "Women of Webster" Honor Recipient
Webster University (Twice Honored)
1990 Emerson Electric Excellence in Teaching Award (Regional Teaching Award)
1988 Early Career Award for Teaching, Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Division Two, American Psychological Association
1988 Dissertation Research Award
Science Directorate, American Psychological Association
1987 Doctoral Orals - Passed with Great Distinction
Saint Louis University
1979 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Magna Cum Laude
Departmental Honors - Psychology
Webster University
Professional Membership
  • Institute for the Study of Genocide
  • American Psychological Association (APA), Fellow
  • Fellow, Division 1 (Society for General Psychology and Interdisciplinary Inquiry)
  • Fellow, Division 2 (Society for the Teaching of Psychology)
  • Fellow, Division 9 (SPSSI)
  • Fellow, Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women)
  • Fellow, Division 48 (Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology)
  • Fellow, Division 52 (Society for Global Psychology)
  • Member, Division 8 (Society of Personality and Social Psychology)
  • Member, Division 26 (Society for the History of Psychology)
  • Member, Division 27 (The Society for Community Research and Action)
  • Member, Division 44 (Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity)
  • Member, Division 45 (Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race)
  • American Association of University Professors
Web Site Development and Management
  • Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights Pages - Includes extensive bibliography and links, a Holocaust chronology, and selected teaching resources. Topics include: Genocide, democide, and human rights; the Holocaust; Nazi science; the Armenian genocide; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Burma; Cambodia; Croatia (WWII); East Timor; Herero; Hindu genocide in Bangladesh; Rwanda & Burundi; and Sudan.
  • Women's Intellectual Contributions to the Study of Mind and Society Pages - Provides biographical information concerning the lives and works of famous women in the history of anthropology, psychology, social work, and sociology.
  • Women and Global Human Rights Pages - Provides information concerning human rights concerns for women both domestically and internationally. Includes student papers, important phone numbers, and links.
  • Gerontology Pages - Includes a Knowledge of Aging Quiz, information concerning elder abuse and neglect, a long-term care facility selection guide, links, and articles on ageism, gay & lesbian aging, life review, and theoretical issues relevant to the study of aging.

  • Linda M. Woolf, Ph.D., Main Web Page - Includes links to all associated web pages, course web pages containing syllabi, recommended readings and links, and additional links, recommended readings, and resources.

Committee Service - Webster University

  • William HuddlestonBerry Memorial Scholarship Committee - 2012 to Present
  • Committee to Review Faculty - Fall 2022 to Spring 2024 (Co-Chair 2023-2024 academic year)
  • Publications Board - Fall 2022 to Spring 2024; Fall 2016 to Spring 2021
  • Webster Wellness Committee - Fall 2015 (Replacement Position)
  • Civil Rights Compliance Committee - Fall 2013 to Spring 2014
  • Committee to Review Faculty (Rank and Tenure) - Fall 2010 to 2011
  • Civil Rights Compliance Committee - Summer 1998 to Spring 2001
  • Human Subjects Research Review Committee - Summer 1998 to Spring 2000
  • Committee to Review Faculty (Rank and Tenure) - Fall 1995 to Spring 1999 (Chairperson: Summer 1997 - Spring 1999)
  • Intellectual Property Rights Task Force - Summer 1997 to Spring 1998
  • Ad Hoc Tuition Remission Committee - Fall 1995 to Spring 1997
  • Women's Studies Advisory Committee - Fall 1990 to Spring 1993
  • Faculty Executive Committee - Fall 1989 to Spring 1992
  • Task Force on Growth and Development - 1990/91 Academic Year
  • Ad Hoc Committee to Examine the Position of Women and Minorities at Webster University - Fall 1988 to Spring 1991

Administrative Experience
Chairperson, Department of Psychology, Webster University, Spring 2021

Undergraduate Coordinator, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Webster University, 2010-2012

Director, Master of Arts in Gerontology, Webster University, 1990 - 2002

Developed and organized the annual workshop in applied gerontology at Webster University.

2002 Changing Finances in Changing Times
2001 Seniors in a Cyberage
2000 Retirement: American Dream or Dilemma
1999 Caregiving: Challenges, Concerns, and Resources
1998 Sexuality, Intimacy, and Aging
1997 Bridging the Gap: Transitions from Independence to Assisted and Full-Time Care for the Elderly
1996 Depression and the Elderly
1995 Health Care and the Older Adult: Financial Issues and Dilemmas
1993 Housing Options for the Elderly
1992 Entrepreneurial Aspects of Gerontology
1991 Elder Abuse

Courses Regularly Taught at Webster University

  • PSYC 4295 Senior Capstone: History, Philosophy, and Systems of Psychology
  • PSYC 4150 Political Psychology
  • PSYC 3775 Personality Theory
  • PSYC 3475 International Psychology
  • PSYC 3275 Genocide (Cross-listed HRTS 3600)
  • PSYC 3225 Holocaust (Cross-listed HRTS 3600)
  • PSYC 3025 Ethics and Psychology
  • PSYC 3000 Psychology and Human Rights
  • PSYC 2850 Peace Psychology
  • PSYC 2750 Introduction to Measurement and Statistics
  • PSYC 2000 Nazi Science: Human Experimentation vs. Human Rights
  • PSYC 1800 Careers in Psychology
  • PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology

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